Meet Caity Hickey

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Meet Torquay Principal Physiotherapist, Caity Hickey.  

What do you enjoy about working as a Physiotherapist at Kieser?

  • "The fact that strength and conditioning is at the core of what we do, if we could put the benefits of S&C it would be the most sold pill in the world!" 
  • "The amazing team that I get to work with in Torquay every day and how much fun we have in the process!"

What is your favourite machine at Kieser?

  • "F3.1 - the back machine, it doesn't compare to anything else available in other strength and conditioning centres or gyms or anything you can do at home, it is state of the art!" 
  • "80% of Australian's will experience back pain in their life and many don't find a resolution, I feel the F3.1 is an amazing machine to get people on to a pain-free and strong path!" 

What is a fun fact about you?

"My first job was in the Cattle Sale Yards in Camperdown, Kieser Torquay certainly is a start contrast to the noises and smells to say the least!" 

What do you like to do when not at work?

"Adventure + Adrenalin + Friends = time spent well, usually on the bike and running trails and waves around Torquay."


Find Caity Hickey at the Torquay Clinic and book an appointment today. Alternatively find a physio clinic near you.