Kieser – Registered NDIS Physio Provider

Kieser is a registered NDIS Physio Provider providing Physiotherapy, Exercise Physiology and strength training programs to our NDIS community. Our programs can be accessed at any of Kieser's 26 clinics across Australia.

To learn more about NDIS services at Kieser, send a message to

Our experienced team of NDIS registered Physiotherapists provide therapeutic supports that assist participants in gaining greater independence whilst also treating their everyday pain. Click here for more information on how Kieser can support you towards achieving your goals

Exercise Physiology: 
Our NDIS registered Exercise Physiologists design exercise based therapeutic supports that assist NDIS participants towards achieving their health and wellbeing goals. For more information on Exercise Physiology at Kieser click here



Are you eligible for NDIS physio?

The NDIS is available to Australian citizens, permanent residents and special-category visa holders who live in Australia, are aged between seven and 65 years old, and who have a permanent and significant disability. Based on the NDIS criteria, a permanent and significant disability means you either need support from another person, use special equipment or require supports to reduce your future needs. You can check your eligibility through the NDIS website.

We accept referrals from:

  • You, the Participant 

  • Plan Managers, Support Coordinators and Local Area Coordinators 

  • Medical professionals 

  • Family members and support person




NDIS funding for Physiotherapy

The NDIS provides funding for allied health and other therapy needed because of a person’s disability, including occupational therapy, speech therapy or physiotherapy.