Kieser Care Plans Can Help

Reduce Pain and improve functional outcomes for clients with osteoarthritis or back pain

Delay or Avoid Surgery or help improve post-surgical outcomes where prevention is not possible

Maximise Function to improve mobility during physical activity

Increase Overall Strength to improve mobility and quality of life

What are the Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis Care Plans?

Kieser’s Osteoarthritis Care Plans are designed to help you improve your osteoarthritic hip or knee in a safe and supervised manner. They can help to delay or prevent surgery, reduce pain and improve function and quality of life.

The 14-week care plans include:

  • An initial assessment and 6 one-on-one treatment sessions with a physiotherapist.
  • 8 one-on-one exercise sessions with an exercise scientist or physiologist.
  • A 3-month physiotherapist-designed strengthening program on Kieser equipment.
  • Education on how to manage and live with osteoarthritis.
  • Objective assessments to help measure your improvement.
  • Access to the Kieser Konnect app.

What is the Spinal Care Plan?

Kieser's Spinal Care Plan is designed to delay or even avoid spinal surgery, improve symptoms, restore function and mobility, reduce pain and improve quality of life.

The 18-week care plan includes:

  • An initial assessment and 13 one-on-one treatment sessions with a physiotherapist.
  • 12 sessions on the Kieser lumbar extension strengthening machine.
  • 8 one-on-one exercise sessions with an exercise scientist or physiologist.
  • A 3-month physiotherapist-designed strengthening program on Kieser equipment.
  • Access to the Kieser Konnect app.
  • Education program on how to manage and live with your lower back condition.

Why Choose a Kieser Care Plan?

Reduce Pain and Symptoms

Alleviate the pain, stiffness and other symptoms associated with osteoarthritis or back pain. We believe that nobody should be held back by pain, and our team of experts will work with you to reduce symptoms and improve your overall comfort.

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Understand Your Condition

An understanding of your condition and how to manage it gives you the best chance to improve your symptoms and quality of life. With our guidance, you will be better equipped to effectively self-manage your condition.

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Delay or Avoid Surgical Intervention

Kieser Care Plans are designed to provide an alternative and effective way to manage your osteoarthritis or back pain that can help prevent or delay the need for surgery.

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Regain Quality of Life

Having a painful, chronic condition can be limiting and reduce your enjoyment of life. Kieser Care Plans provide a pathway to reducing your symptoms and returning to the things you love.

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Regain Strength and Mobility

We seek to address your symptoms, improve strength and focus on moving with greater ease and confidence. Whether it’s golf, walking, or engaging in your favourite hobbies, we want you to thrive in your daily life.

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Funds currently supporting Kieser Care Plans