Meet Deb Lawrence

Images of Deb Lawrence, one holding a soccer gold medal and trophy
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She has been part of the Kieser team since 2017, working across our Caulfield, Sandringham and Hobart clinics. Her bright smile and expert knowledge on our equipment makes her a star of our Exercise Science team. Read more about Sandringham Exercise Scientist and Clinic Leader, Deb Lawrence.

Qualifications & Professional Experience

  • Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science - Majoring in Psychology, Microbiology, Nutrition and Physiology

  • High Performance Strength and Conditioning for over 4 years

  • Hospital Rehabilitation Allied Health Assistant for a year

  • Aged Care Allied Health Assistant for two years

  • Sports Trainer for two years

What do you enjoy about working as an Exercise Scientist at Kieser?
"​I have been with Kieser for a number of years now. I started in Caulfield then moved to Sandringham and Hobart. They best thing about being an Exercise Scientist at Kieser is working with our amazing clients. I am truly so lucky to work with such amazing people."

What is your favourite machine at Kieser?
"My favourite machine would have to be the A1. I find I do get tight hip flexors, so getting that great hip extension, activating my glutes, lower back and hamstrings really makes me feel more balanced and stronger for my sport. It is such an important exercise for injury prevention for my soccer and futsal! If I can stay strong in these areas, I can keep doing all the things I love to do."

What is a fun fact about you?
"I am getting married in Cartagena, Colombia next year! I am so excited for this adventure."

What do you like to do when not at work?
"​I love my sport! Futsal and soccer take up a lot of my time, but they are truly activities I love doing and I hope to be playing for many, many years to come."


Find Deb Lawrence at the Sandringham Clinic and book an appointment today. Alternatively find a physio clinic near you.