Using Kieser to Prevent Falls and Improve Balance

Falls/Balance illustration
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Falls & Balance

Falls and fall related injuries are among the most serious and common injuries to occur in older adults, and those with neurological conditions. Nearly one third of the elderly have one fall every year and half of those fall more than once. The consequences of falls can be serious, with a wide array of potential injuries and complications that are likely to occur. One of the risk factors relating to falls, which is associated with ageing, is weaker muscles and stiffer joints. These factors can contribute to a compromised change in the way we move, and therefore, lead to an increased risk of falls.

Exercise for Falls & Balance

One of the key strategies to aid in falls prevention is to engage in regular exercise. Scientific studies have shown that targeted, and specific strengthening exercises, combined with balance training is an effective way to significantly reduce your risk of falls and improve your balance. With stronger muscles, combined with an increased sensorimotor system, individuals can not only reduce their falls, but they can avoid serious potential injury, complications and move around with increased confidence in their community.

Many Kieser centres run targeted balance and falls prevention classes called ‘Stable and Able’. Speak to someone at your Kieser centre to get more information about how to join these classes and how they can help you specifically.


Article written & sourced by Caulfield Exercise Physiologist, Paul Sansonsetti.