How to Reduce the Risk of Bowel Cancer

Illustration of bowel
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Bowel Cancer can affect any part of the large bowel, colon or rectum and is a prevalent problem in Australia. Bowel Cancer affects both men and women and individuals of any age, however it is more common in people over the age of 50. Bowel Cancer is one of the most common cancers, affecting 1 in 13 in Australia and is also the second deadliest cancer.  However, Bowel Cancer is one of the most preventable cancers and 90% of Bowel Cancers can be treated effectively if detected early.

How do I reduce my risk of Bowel Cancer?

A healthy diet and lifestyle is key to reducing your risk of bowel cancer. Furthermore, regular screening for bowl cancer is important too because the symptoms may not be noticable until well-after the cancer appears, especially for those over the age of 40

Important factors we can control that reduce the risk of developing Bowel Cancer are:

  • Quitting smoking
  • Abstaining from or limiting alcohol consumption
  • Eating foods high in dietary fibre
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Engaging in regular physical activity

If Bowel Cancer is diagnosed, those who are more physically active prior to the diagnosis are less likely to die from the condition which is why the Kieser method of training is an excellent preventitive method. 

If you're wanting to learn more about using exercise as a method of Bowel Cancer prevention, our Kieser physiotherpaists are ready to get you started with an initial consult where a personalised program and fitness plan will be created.


What exercise should I be doing to prevent bowel cancer?

Strength training and aerobic training are recommended. The following guidelines to maintain a healthy lifestyle should be followed:

  • Be active on all/most days of the week
  • 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise daily
  • 2 days of strength training per week


If you are diagnosed with bowel cancer, exercise has a place in conjunction with your medical treatment. A specific exercise program can be developed by an Exercise Physiologist to assist you through the treatment and then begin to build strength and fitness post treatment to assist you in returning to your normal activities and help to prevent further cancer or side effects.

Care will be taken with side effects from the cancer, surgery or other treatment and it is important to discuss these with your Exercise Physiologist to ensure you get the most out of the exercise

If you would like to know any further information please speak to the Exercise Physiologists at your centre.

For more information on bowel cancer visit or

Article written and sourced by Tarryn Fisher, Exercise Physiologist at Kieser Essendon.